Trade Management
Seamless workflow from hypothetical analysis to order staging and trade execution.
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What Makes It Great
- Purpose-Built
In a single, unified platform, seamlessly go from idea generation to hypothetical analysis, pre-trade compliance, and execution. Compatible with a myriad of asset classes.
- Modern
Galaxy combines the latest technology advances in user interface design to deliver a modern, web-based tool. Our unique Trading Template concept provides users with the flexibility to streamline repetitive tasks, eliminate redundancy, and tackle complex allocation models with ease. Multi-legged trading structures can be modeled in Galaxy and processed together.
- Highly Configurable
Galaxy is highly configurable to support the way you do business. We support client-driven workflows, allocation groups, multi-level allocation logic, and more.
Key Features
Seamlessly Integrated
Integrated with Galaxy Compliance module for pre-trade compliance
Multi-asset Trading Programs
Unique Trading Template models repetitive tasks
Blend algorithmic allocations with manual overrides
Extensive audit trail capabilities
Highly Configurable
Client-driven workflows
Access restricted list functionality and eligibility criteria
Multi-level customizable target allocation methodologies
Breadth of Fund Structures
CLOs (BSL and Middle Market)
SPVs / Asset-Backed Lending / Asset Facilities
Direct Lending
A Modern Solution for Today's Credit Managers
Galaxy OMS supports custom and complex trade flows through order booking, target allocations, asset approvals, and external counterparty reporting with industrial strength performance.

Works best in the full Galaxy suite
Leverage seamless data analysis, robust risk management, and real-time insights to drive exceptional returns. Collaborate effortlessly and make informed decisions with our interconnected modules. Experience the power of unity and elevate your portfolio performance to new heights.